Black Writers Collective


Tia Ross is a veteran editor, technical and UX writer, and author of the forthcoming "So You Wanna Be an Editor ... But Can You Edit?" She is also the creator of Black Writers Collective, Black Editors Network, Black Editors & Proofreader Directory, and producer of Writeful Retreats editors and writers retreats. In addition to editing fiction and nonfiction for independent authors, Tia edits for Big 5 publishers Hatchette, HarperCollins, Penguin Random House, and Simon & Schuster. Learn more about Tia at

Carolyn Holland - Behind the Dark Veil

Carolyn Holland: A Modern-Day Griot – One Among Millions

Black Writers Collective recently had the opportunity to chat with the creator of the riveting Brothers of the Dark Veil. Meet Ms. Carolyn Holland (who just happens to have been the first member to join Black Writers Collective). In this intriguing interview, Carolyn introduces us to some of her characters, shares juicy background behind her stories, her

Carolyn Holland: A Modern-Day Griot – One Among Millions Read More »

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