Black Writers Collective

Black Writers Beta Readers and Reviewers

Are you a beta reader or want to become one? Do you write amazing reviews on books you read? Are you skilled at story analysis and critiques? Do you want to help authors to become better storytellers?

Join Black Writers Beta Readers and Reviewers program for readers who enjoy African-American literature and works in other genres by Black writers today, and get connected to authors on their way to the tops of bestseller charts.
  • Share your input and feedback on authors’ manuscripts as a Beta Reader.
  • Become a sought-after Advanced Copy Reader and write reviews that will help drive sales, increase authors’ fan bases, and boost their careers.
  • Be among the first to hear about new releases in your favorite genres.

What is it?

BWC’s Beta Readers and Reviewers program was created to match interested beta readers with writers of works by and for us. Membershp is free.

Beta readers are those who read your book AS READERS—not as fellow writers or editors or people who love you and can’t bring themselves to say anything negative about your work—but as engaged readers who can give honest feedback on what did and did not work for them in your book. They comment on things like detail inconsistencies, where their attention wavers, what they think of the characters, and confusing sentences, subplots and twists. They address weak spots in your manuscript before you share it with the world.

Don't editors do that?

Yes, but an editor’s perspective is only one point of view. You want multiple beta readers to give you a more well-rounded advantage. Also, good beta readers can save you the expense of hiring a developmental editor. Additionally, it is important to note beta readers are not trained editors.

Can't I just ask my family and closest friends?

Family, significant others, and besties can sometimes be the worst beta readers. They know you, and they love you, so they tend to be inclined to love whatever you write—no matter how good or otherwise it may be. The glowing praise they might give you will not be useful. You need positive, insightful, constructive feedback—nothing less.

Advanced Copy Readers

Advanced Copy Readers can help you with reviews for release day, posting them on the Black Writers Collective bookstore, Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, or any other bookseller websites. You are not allowed to charge them to read your book. You provide a copy of your book to consider writing a review. You are not guaranteed a positive review by using this program.

How to Join

Want to join our free BWC Beta Readers program?

Review the program guidelines and make sure you’re clear on how things work. If you’re not a member of BWC, join now to access.

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