Black Writers Collective

Digital Library

Our digital library offers all members a downloadable resource of ebooks and audio recordings on such topics as:

  • Getting started as a writer
  • Fundamentals of writing fiction
  • Getting the creative juices flowing
  • Plot development
  • Plotting using the snowflake method
  • Outlining your book
  • Conflict
  • Character development
  • Writing a first chapter that hooks your reader
  • Fleshing out your ideas and avoiding writer’s block
  • Screenwriting
  • Playwriting
  • Writing your memoirs
  • Romance writing
  • Literary law…and more

To gain access, click the button below to join!

Copywriting Masterclass

Want to learn to write copy that sells? Get FREE access to the first video by clicking the button below. Take the full three-part course for only $7.

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