Why join?
We Help End Isolation
Our legacy of bringing together Black writers online for networking and fellowship is why we originally came together in 1998. Today we operate in a much different environment—one filled with more distractions and obstacles than ever, all of which seem to conspire to keep us from writing as much as we want.
Black Writers Collective exists to offer a safe space for writers seeking feedback on their work and the accountability that being part of writers groups can offer. Here you can connect with like-minded creatives who understand the writing process and help keep you inspired.
We Guarantee a Safe Space
We don’t tolerate mean, rude, disrespectful behavior; bullies aren’t welcome here. We have strict rules against abuse and will eject any member who violates them. It is of utmost importance to us that ALL members feel comfortable sharing with us in our community.
We Write & Hit Targets Together
Being with other writers as we set writing goals and work toward achieving them is among the most powerful motivation there is for you to get focused, find the time, and make the work happen.
We Help Hold Each Other Accountable
Within our support groups, we plan together, we write together, we finish together. Share goals and intentions for your writing as well as your progress and accomplishments. We’ll help you to hold yourself accountable, challenge you, and motivate you through “The End” of writing project after project, and we’ll cheer you on and celebrate your successes with you.
Is Black Writers Collective for you?
- You've always dreamed of becoming a published writer but never got the support or encouragement you needed.
- You want a meeting place to connect with other motivated Black writers for inspiration.
- You want feedback on your works in progress.
- You want to expand your network and build new friendships.
- You want support to actively make the writing happen.
- You want to put your book in front of readers who are looking for new works by Black authors.
- You're interested in getting into freelance writing or editing and looking for leads.
- You are or would like to be a writer by vocation and are interested in finding employers actively seeking diverse applicants.

We Connect You With Talented Editors & Coaches
There’s nothing quite like having a professional editor with an innate understanding of your voice, who speaks the same language you speak, in all of its varied nuances. We’ve built a network of experienced editors and book coaches—skilled in all types of book development coaching, editing, book analysis, proofreading, and more—to make it easier for you to find the right editor or book coach with the experience and expertise you need.
Join today and be part of our tribe.
Not ready to actively engage with other BWC members but want to be privy to leads and opportunities? You can now join free at our Affiliate member level.
Choose your membership
Review the benefits at each level of membership and choose the one that best fits your needs.
- Access to A-List for freelance, full-time, part-time, contract, remote, and on-site writing and editing openings from organizations actively seeking Black applicants
- Access to calls for submissions for contests, awards, or publication
- Access to Beta Readers group
- Everything under Affiliate
- Access to full digital library
- Attend weekly writers support meetings and live writing sessions
- Eligible to join critique and accountability groups